The Indian market is huge, and a vast amount of goods are shipped from China to India.There are also many ports in India, the major ones being VIA Nhava Sheva and Pipavav port by the railway.

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i. tariff system and tariff exemptions
1. Tariff system
Customs duties in India are levied mainly on the basis of price and are classified into basic, auxiliary, additional and protective duties.
The basic duty is a duty levied on the basis of the value of goods or at a particular rate, with the permission of the Parliament. The basic tariff rate is generally 20%.
Auxiliary duties are levied on the basis of the annual budget (fiscal year**). With the exception of goods such as crude oil, acetylene, plastics, *chemicals, etc., for which special rates are applied, the actual rate of duty* is generally 45% of the ad valorem rate.
The surcharge is a duty levied on imported goods with export allowances. It is equal to the domestic duty on similar goods manufactured or processed in India and is therefore subject to reference to the rate of domestic excise duty. The surcharge is levied on the value of the goods plus the sum of the basic and ancillary taxes.
Protective duties and surcharges on subsidized goods are duties levied for the protection of Indian industry.

2. tariff relief
The Indian tariff contains duty-free rules applicable to registered exporters. As per the rules, there are six types of licenses, each with special conditions and requirements, so that different licenses cannot be mixed.
The ** type of licence is the advance licence. Registered exporters can import duty-free raw materials, spare parts and consumer goods to meet the production and export needs of their products under this type of licence.
**These are general advance permits. It applies to exporting manufacturers with credit guarantees whose export performance meets or exceeds the *lowly defined threshold*.
The third type is the Intermediate Pre-licence. This type of licence is issued to registered export manufacturers to import materials required for the manufacture of intermediate goods and is also available for direct export or to other export manufacturers who are known as *final exporters* under an advance licence.
The fourth type of licence is the special advance licence. This licence allows the import of duty-free materials for use in the manufacture of products by specified agencies or projects in India.
The fifth type of licence is the block exemption licence. These licences are issued to State Trading Companies, Mineral and Metal Trading Companies and certain other agents designated by the import and export authorities.
The sixth type is the pre-clearance license. It is issued for the purpose of importing goods supplied by foreign parties free of cost and processing them in India before re-exporting them.

ii. import control
1. Import licences
The import policy of the Government of India protects five basic types of imports: means of production, raw materials, consumer goods, components, tools and spare parts. Any import of an item must be approved by the import and export authorities to obtain an import license. There are several types of import licenses.
General licenses, which apply to certain types of importers and relate to specific commodities;
General currency zone license, which allows imports from all countries except those that are *stopped* from importing;
Special licenses, which allow imports from one or some special countries. Import licenses are generally valid for 18 months, but capital goods licenses are valid for two years.
2. documentary requirements
All imports require a full set of the following import documents: import license, customs declaration, entry form, ****, certificate of origin, packing list and waybill. The above documents are required in triplicate. 3.

3. packaging and labeling
Indian ports are generally located in tropical areas where humidity, heat, exposure to sun and rain, insects, fungus and dirt can cause damage to cargo. Therefore, shipments need to be packed in waterproof packaging and shipped in galvanized or tinplate shipping boxes, without tarpaulins and other packaging. Labels should be written in English, indicating the country of origin of the description of the text to be written in the container or label on the other English words as eye-catching.
III. Port warehousing and free trade zones
There are 10 major ports in India, namely Mumbai, Kandla, Mormugaon, Cochin, New Mangalore and Dutigorin on the west coast; and Madras, Kolkata, Baradipur and Vishakhapatnam on the east coast. Warehousing facilities are available at the above ports and EPZs. Once the goods are brought in and assessed, the owner can apply for storage of the goods in the warehouse. The goods are stored after being marked. When storing the goods, the owner has to provide a payment bond for the payment of a fine of up to twice the value of the duty* and any taxes, rents or charges according to the value of the goods, in case of non-compliance. In case of non-compliance with the storage rules or if the goods are illegally stored, the goods are subject to fine or confiscation.
The Government of India has taken special measures to create Export Processing Zones (EPZs) to encourage exports. There are currently six EPZs: Kandla Free Trade Zone (Gujarat), St. Croix Electronics Export Processing Zone (Mumbai), Noida Export Processing Zone (New Delhi), Madras EPZ, Cochin EPZ (Kerala) and Vishakhapatnam EPZ (Andhra Pradesh). Enterprises established in these zones are entitled to various policy benefits such as tax exemption for five years and free import of raw materials and components for production.

    Shipping from China to India: The Ultimate Guide

    Port of Loading

    Port of Arrive

    Transmit Time(days)


    Nhava sheva/pipavav port 15/17
    Shenzhen Nhava sheva/pipavav port



    Nhava sheva/pipavav port 15/19
    Qingdao Nhava sheva/pipavav port



    Nhava sheva/pipavav port 19/28
    Xiamen Nhava sheva/pipavav port


    Shipping from China to India: The Complete Guide

    China and India are both very big countries.

    Nonetheless, manufacturing costs in India are quite high compared to China.

    Because of this, there is the low availability of certain goods, and their price in India is quite high.

    This is why most people, especially people in business, prefer sourcing products from China to resell in India for better profits.

    Now, if you plan to source and ship goods from China to India, this guide is for you.

    Here, you will find all the information regarding shipping from China to India.

    These will include customs regulations, the process of importation, shipping options, routes you can consider and many more.

    So read on.

    • 未标题-2.png Shipping from China to India Customs and Regulations

    • 未标题-2.png Ocean Freight from China to India

    • 未标题-2.png Airfreight from China to India

    • 未标题-2.png Options for Shipping Goods from China to India

    • 未标题-2.png Alibaba Shipping from China to India

    • 未标题-2.png International Shipping from China to India FAQs

    • 未标题-2.png LEAGUE Your Trusted Freight Forwarder from China to India

    • 未标题-2.png Conclusion

        China to India.jpg

    China to India    

    Chapter 1: Shipping from China to India Customs and Regulations

    When importing items to any country, not just India, knowledge of their customs regulations on import is integral.

    You need to know what items you can and can’t bring into that country.

    You also have to know what documents you need for successful importation.

    And more importantly, an understanding of the applicable duties and taxes is essential for a smooth customs clearance procedure.

    With these in mind, lets us find out what customs rules and regulations apply to imports to India.

    1.1. Prohibited and Restricted Imports in India

    India disallows the importation of some goods into their country.

    Prohibited imports to India.jpg    

    Prohibited imports to India    

    These are;

    • 未标题-2.png Narcotic drugs and psychotropic medicines

    • 未标题-2.png Pornographic material and obscene content

    • 未标题-2.png Counterfeits

    • 未标题-2.png Antiquities

    • 未标题-2.png Aero models especially remote operated helicopter

    • 未标题-2.png Duplicate currency

    • 未标题-2.png Politically sensitive literature

    • 未标题-2.png Walkie talkies

    • 未标题-2.png Live plants

    • 未标题-2.png And any other goods that are prohibited for importation under Indian custom laws or any other laws in the country

    These are entirely banned from importation into India.

    If you choose to import them anyway, Indian customs will not hesitate to seize the goods and fine you.

    You could even face a jail term.

    Now, there are goods that Indian customs allow for importation into the country but under strict conditions.

    The first item is motor vehicles.

    Indian customs laws on motor vehicle importation are extensive and well, quite complicated.

    Here are the requirements for motor vehicle importation into India.

    Importing vehicles.jpg

    Importing vehicles    

    i. Should be right-hand steering, and controls

    ii. Should have a speedometer indicating speed in kilometers

    iii. Should have photometry of the headlamps to suit ‘keep left ‘traffic

    iv. Should not be older than three years from the date of manufacture

    v. Should be Euro-III compliant

    vi. Cars exceeding 1600 cc must have been registered for at least one year in the name of the importer

    vii. Should be accompanied by the original manufacturing invoice of the vehicle (not from a dealer or any other sources)

    viii. It should also have a relevant insurance certificate

    Other items that are restricted for importation into India include arms and ammunition, live birds and animals, and plants and their produce.

    Endangered species, goods for commercial usage, and excessive currency are also restricted for importation to India.

    For a complete list, you can check with the Indian Central Board of Excise and Customs.

    Note that to be able to bring a restricted item into India, you’ll need authorization from the relevant customs authorities.

    You can also learn more about prohibited and restricted goods from:

    • 未标题-2.png India Prohibited and Restricted Imports

    • 未标题-2.png Prohibited and Restricted Goods to/from India

    1.2. Required Documentation

    The tricky part of importing to India is that you can’t do it without an IEC code.

    Yes, all importers to India must register with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT).



    Upon this registration, you’ll be issued with an importer-exporter code number (IEC) against your permanent account number.

    This is the only way you can engage in importation activities in India.

    Now apart from importer registration, there are other documents that customs require for clearance of imports into India.

    These documents, take note, vary depending on the products you are importing as well as their origin.

    Because of this, I’ll just mention the primary documents that you’ll need to present to customs when shipping from China.


    • 未标题-2.png Bill of lading

    • 未标题-2.png Commercial invoice

    • 未标题-2.png Packing list

    • 未标题-2.png Bill of entry

    • 未标题-2.png Industrial license if needed

    • 未标题-2.png Customs import declaration form

    • 未标题-2.png Letter of credit

    • 未标题-2.png Certificate of origin

    These are the documents you’ll need to present to customs for clearance of your imports from China.

    So make sure that all these are available and are correctly filed.

    If you are not sure about how to file your importation documents, talk to your shipping agent.

    He/she will be able to assist you with all the paperwork.

    1.3. India Import Taxes and Duties

    Since you know what you need to be able to import to India, you should also know what you’ll be paying in duties and taxes.

    India exports imports.jpg

    India imports and exports – Photo courtesy: Guardian    

    The thing about India’s customs tariff system is that it is complicated.

    Some may say that the system lacks transparency in determining the effective net rates of importation duties and taxes.

    The tariff structure imposes several duties on imports.

    These are;

    • 未标题-2.pngBasic customs duty; this is the standard duty charge applicable on all imports into the country.

    • 未标题-2.pngAdditional customs duty; this is a tariff that is charged on top of the basicduty.

    It is applicable on all imports except for wines, spirits, and other alcoholic beverages.

    This duty is charged in correspondence to the excise duty charged on similar domestic products.

    • 未标题-2.pngSpecial additional duty; currently known as the integrated goods and services tax (IGST), this tariff is applied at 4% on all imports including alcoholic beverages.

    It is charged on both the basic duty and additional customs duty.

    Imports that customs exempt from duty under official notification, however, are not subject to the IGST tax.

    In a nutshell, these are the three main duties that you will have to pay upon the importation of goods from China to India.

    Import taxes.jpg    

    Import taxes    

    Now on top of these and depending on the type of goods you are importing, customs may impose any or some of the following charges;

    • 未标题-2.pngSocial welfare surcharge; previously known as education cess, this is a 10% duty rate charged on all imports based on the total value of their basic and additional customs duty, and not their customs value.

    The charge, however, does to apply to goods that are exempt from duty or those whose worth fall under the non-dutiable value cap.

    • 未标题-2.pngAntidumping duty; if the government realizes that you’re importing a good at below the fair market price, you will be charged an antidumping duty.

    The good things are that the rate at which this duty is charged can’t exceed the margin of dumping.

    Margin of dumping is the difference between the importation price and the fair market price.

    Also, this duty does not apply to goods imported by units that are 100% export oriented or those in free trade and special economic zones.

    Please note; calculation of duty for import is India is done based on the value of the imports.

    With regards to this, Indian customs operates a little differently in declaring the customs value of goods.

    In India, a landing fee of 1% is included in the customs valuation of imports.

    As you can see, a lot is involved in the determination of total tariff charges for imports into India.

    To gain a better understanding, therefore, it would be best if you check the Customs Tariff Act, 1975.

    Here you will find all that you need regarding the Indian tariff rates and related guides.

    1.4. Quality Standards and Regulations in India

    Majorly when talking about the quality standards and regulations of importing to India, we are talking about labeling and marking.

    India Bureau of standards.gif

    India Bureau of Standards    

    These two things are critical when importing products from India.

    So to begin with, I want you to understand that India prefers the English language for labeling imports.

    Hindi is also allowed for additional declarations on the packaging.

    Apart from this, the customs require that all labeling for imports be based on the content they are carrying.

    As you’ve already noticed, the Indian customs are strict and quite complicated than most other countries’.

    They do not take chances when it comes to the quality of imports brought into the country.

    This means that before your package can be cleared for entry into Indian market, it has to meet all the set legal requirements.

    Otherwise, you will have a hard time convincing the authorities for clearance.

    Now, according to the Indian customs laws, all pre-packaged imports into the country must show the following information;

    a) Name and address of the importer

    b) The common name of the packed product

    c) Net quantity of the packed This has to be in standard units of weights and measurement, i.e., grams, kg, liters, etc.

    d) The exact date of manufacture and expiry

    e) Maximum price at which the packed item may be sold in India. The retail price must include all taxes, freight costs, dealers’ commission, advertising costs, delivery costs and the like.

    f) for food products, labels must detail the ingredients used including their composition by weight or volume

    g) food product labels must also show the distinctive batch or lot number

    h) if the food is vegetarian, labeling must include a green circle symbol inside a square with a green outline

    i) Labeling for non-vegetation food products should prominently display a brown circle symbol inside a square with a brown outline.

    An important regulation that all importers should take note of is the 2001 notification on food importation.

    This regulation requires that all food products have a valid shelf life of not less than 60% of its original shelf life.

    This shelf life is calculated based manufacture and expiry dates given on the labels.

    As I’ve told you, your imports must comply with the above labeling requirement to be allowed entry into India.

    So be wary and please note:

    These requirements are not applicable for imports that require further processing before being sold to the Indian market.

    1.5. How to Import from China to India (Step-by-step Process)

    I will not tire from saying this, importing from Chinato India can be complicated.

    The only key to success, therefore, is knowledge.

    It is because of this fact that I want to share with you a simple step by step process on how to import goods from China to India.

    I hope you find it resourceful.

    Here we go;

    Step 1: Identify a Product    

    As with any business venture, you have to know what you are going to do before entering into it.

    The business of importation is no different.

    You need to identify a product that can attract demand locally in India.

    Examples of Chinese goods that sell well in India are furniture, vehicles, footwear, electronics, cosmetics, chemicals, etc.

    Step 2: Apply for an IEC Code    

    Importing to India without an IEC code is near to impossible, remember?

    Well, after you know what you want to import, you can go ahead and register with DGFT.

    Step 3: Find a Supplier    

    You know what you want to import and hold an IEC code, the next step would be to find a good product supplier.

    Luckily with China, finding suppliers are easy.

    Sites like Alibaba, global sources and made in have simplified the process of finding Chinese suppliers.

    These sites provide importers with information from a wide range of suppliers including products they offer, address and contacts.

    Other places to hunt for suppliers is on trade shows, exhibitions or paying a personal visit to the Chinese market.

    Step 4: Determine the Cost of Importation    

    If you’re importing for commercial purposes, it is wise that you know the expenses you’ll incur during the importation process.

    This is essential as it’ll help you determine if you will profit from the venture or not.

    Key factors to take into account when doing this include, freight rates, custom brokerage fees, handling fees, duties and taxes, and storage and distribution.

    Step 5: Order Goods    

    When your cost calculation shows that you can indeed profit from importing from China, go ahead and place the order for goods.

    You should order goods from a supplier whose credibility and reliability you’ve verified.

    Step 6: Find a Local Freight Forwarder    

    To ease the process of importation from China to India, you need to work with a reputed freight forwarder.

    Freight forwarding expert.png

    Freight forwarding expert    

    My advice, in this case, would be that you find a forwarder located in China.

    And, the good thing about this is that there are lots of experienced freight forwarder in China.

    You just need to select a few, make contact with them and chose the best one for your needs.

    Step 7: Find a Reliable Customs Broker    

    Again, the customs clearance procedure in India is not a simple one.

    It can be quite daunting for importers with little or no experience in it.

    Therefore, hiring a customs clearing agent is essential as he/she will be able to assist you in clearing your shipment at the port.

    Step 8: Decide on a Shipping Mode    

    Depending on the destination, type and nature of goods, urgency and your budget, you should choose a suitable shipping mode.

    The options available for shipping from China to India are air and sea freight.

    You can also choose whether you want FCL, LCL, door-to-door or express shipping.

    Your shipping agent should be in a position to advise you appropriately on this.

    Step 9: Collect your Goods in India    

    After completing all the above steps and after you’ve confirmed that goods have arrived in China, you should collect them.

    Remember that you can only assume ownership of goods after the correct customs procedures have been completed.

    That is it.

    A very simple process of importation.

    Now before we move on to the shipping options from China to India, allow me to say the following:

    That tight restrictions and unending bureaucracies characterize Indian customs system.

    As such, importers to India often have to deal with the problems of delays and customs disputes due to one issue or the other.

    In this regard, I advise that before importing from China to India, ensure that all your paperwork is in order.

    Also, make sure that your imports abide by all the set customs rules and regulations.

    This is the only way you can successfully import from China to India.

    That said, let’s find out what transportation options you have for imports to India.

    Chapter 2: Ocean Freight from China to India

    To ship goods from China to India, you can have two options; to ship by air or by sea.

    Sea freight is preferable for larger volume shipments and when time is not a constraint.

    Sea freight if reliable, affordable and it does not limit you on what and how much cargo you can ship.

    Keeping these facts in mind, allow me to tell you more about a few aspects of sea freight shipping.

    2.1. Container Shipping Cost from China to India

    Cost is a critical aspect of shipping from China to India.

    With this in mind, you should know that there are many costs involved in shipping from China to India.

    An understanding of all the associated costs of shipping from China to India is essential.

    This is because, with this insight, you can be able to determine how best to price your products to enjoy profits.

    Take this example for instance; a piece of furniture with a factory price of USD 500 in China may get to India at the cost of USD 600 depending on many factors.

    Estimate Freight rates calculator - photo courtesy World Freight Rates.jpg    

    Estimate freight rates calculator – Photo Courtesy: World Freight Rates    

    So what are the associated costs of shipping products from China to India?

    The main costs involved in sea freight are;

    1. 未标题-2.png Container shipping costs

    2. 未标题-2.png Container handling costs

    3. 未标题-2.png Insurance

    4. 未标题-2.png Tax

    5. 未标题-2.png Other surcharges, e., fuel surcharge

    Now, to ship an FCL container from China to India might cost you about USD 2000 per 20GP container.

    A 40GP container could cost you about USD3500.

    If you avoid intermediaries, that price could drop back to about USD 500 to USD 800.

    If shipping a partially full container (LCL), you could part with about USD 100 in container shipping costs plus handling charges.

    Take note however that LCL shipping will take longer although it is far more economical if you have the time.

    If you find that the cost of shipping an FCL container from China to India is too high for you, you could try consolidation of cargo.

    This is where you club your goods with those of other shippers going your direction.

    It will save you money, but as I said, you’ll have to wait.

    So generally, there are a lot of variables that add up to the total cost of shipping a container from China.

    So as you do your calculations remember that the total cost you’ll incur is varied.

    It’ll include sea transportation costs, customs clearance, government taxes, warehousing, and insurance among other costs.

    2.2. Major China to India Shipping Company

    Apart from costs, knowing the companies that ship from ship to India could be essential to successful shipping.



    Now some companies operate China to India route.

    These include:

    · ZIM    

    ZIM integrated shipping services ltd is an Israeli shipping company headquartered in Haifa, Israel.

    The company runs one of the largest vessel fleets in the world calling close to 200 ports in more than 100 destinations worldwide.

    You can consider ZIM shipping services if you’re shipping temperature sensitive items.

    This is because ZIM is known to offer one of the best reefer shipping services in the region.

    · MSC    

    MSC or Mediterranean shipping company is a worldwide recognized shipping company that ranks among the world’s top 20.

    The company boasts of a 47,000 team of dedicated staff operating in their 480 offices across the globe.

    As if that’s not enough, the company operates some of the largest shipping vessels.

    Its current vessel fleet stands at a whopping 490 which includes container ships and RoRo vessels.

    Not to mention that MSC operates more than 200 routes calling on over 500 ports in over 155 countries.

    · COSCO    

    COSCO is China’s largest shipping company.

    It ranks among the top 5 container shipping lines in the world.

    Shipping with COSCO gives you the local advantage.

    Basing on its Chinese origin, the company has specialized experience in shipping to countries in the region, including India.

    Besides, COSCO has a large vessel fleet; this means that it is a company you can rely on for urgent shipping – they’ll never run out of shipping space.

    Other companies include OOCL, SCI, HMM, and NYK.

    2.3. China to India Sea Route

    There are three main shipping routes from China to India.

    Sea route from China to India.jpg    

    Sea route from China to India – Photo courtesy: PORTS.COM    

    These are;

    · Port of Shenzhen to the Port of Mumbai    

    This shipping route covers a distance of 4452 nautical miles taking a ship about 18.6 days to arrive at the Mumbai port in India.

    The route starts at the port of Shenzhen in China through the South China Sea and then through Singapore and Malaysia coasts.

    Form the Malaysian coast the ship gets to the Bay of Bengal where it joins the Indian Ocean.

    From here, it goes through the Laccadive and Arabian seas before it finally lands docks at the port of Mumbai.

    · Port of Guangzhou to the Port of Chennai    

    This route covers a total distance of 3714 nautical miles, and a ship takes about 15 ½ days at sea.

    In this route, a ship leaves the port of Guangzhou through the South China Sea.

    It then traverses to the Singaporean and Malaysian coasts through the Strait of Malacca.

    From here the ship sails through the Andaman Sea and finally lands at the port of Chennai through the Bay of Bengal.

    · Port of Tianjin to Port of NhavaSheva    

    This is one of the longest routes shipping from China to India.

    Here, a ship leaves China through the port of Tianjin and the Bohai Sea.

    It then moves to the yellow sea, goes through Taiwan to land at the East China Sea.

    From here, the ship sails through the Hangzhou Bay and the Philippine Sea before it lands at the South China Sea.

    It moves from the South China Sea through the Strait of Malacca to land at the Andaman bay heading to the Bay of Bengal.

    From the Bay of Bengal, the ship connects with the Indian Ocean and goes through the Laccadive Sea where it joins the Arabian Sea.

    It is here that it finally docks at the port of NhavaSheva after 25.2 days of sailing over 6040 nautical miles.

    There are other routes for shipping from China to India by sea, but these are the main ones.

    As you can see, there are longer routes and shorter ones which takes fewer days to deliver goods.

    So choose a route that you’re comfortable with and that won’t drain your pocket too much.

    Seaports in China and India

    Having looked at the routes, these are the main ports that you can pick as your departure/origin port from China.

    Sea ports in China.gif

    Sea ports in China    

    • 未标题-2.png Port of Shenzhen

    • 未标题-2.png Port of Dalian

    • 未标题-2.png Port of Tianjin

    • 未标题-2.png Shanghai seaport

    • 未标题-2.png Port of Ningbo

    • 未标题-2.png Port of Qingdao

    • 未标题-2.png Hong Kong seaport

    • 未标题-2.png Xiamen seaport

    Now China has more than 50 seaports. But not all of them are suitable for shipping from China to India.

    Unlike China though, India doesn’t have that many ports.

    The main ones used to receive imports from China are:

    • 未标题-2.png The port of Kolkata situated in Kolkata

    • 未标题-2.png The port of Mumbai which is the largest and busiest seaport in India. It is located in Maharashtra, Mumbai.

    • 未标题-2.png The port of Jawaharlal Nehru popularly known as NhavaSheva. This port together with the Mumbai port handles almost 70% of Indian sea imports.

    • 未标题-2.png There is also the ports of Bombay, Paradip, Kochi, and Visakhapatnam.

    Now that you know the routes and ports let’s find out how long it takes to ship from China to India by sea.

    2.4. Sea Freight Transit Times from China to India

    How long it takes to ship from China to India depends on so many factors.

    But mostly, it depends on the shipping company you choose. It also depends on the shipping services you opt for.

    On average, it takes 15 days to 20 daysto ship products from China to India.

    This is the transit time from a port in China to a port in India.

    Note however that the waiting time until you finally receive goods at your destination in India could be longer.

    This is because like most things in international freight, shipping time also depends on so many variables.

    You have to factor in the time your supplier takes to prepare the shipment and avail it at the port of departure.

    You also have to consider the time it will take to unload, clear and transport the cargo from the destination port to your final destination.

    As you take note of the above factors, remember that transit time from China to India also depends on the distance from the origin port to the destination port.

    The farther the distance, the longer the transit time and vice versa.

    Here is a table with the estimated transit times from China to India

    Destination port Origin port                                   Mumbai                 NhavaSheva                 Calcutta                 Chennai                
    Shenzhen                 17 15 15 12
    Guangzhou                 17 15 15 12
    Shanghai                 23 16 19 17
    Dalian                 25 20 22 21
    Tianjin                 23 18 21 20
    Ningbo                 21 14 19 17
    Qingdao                  23 16 19 18


    That’s pretty much it about sea shipping from China.

    Do you think it’s the right shipping mode for you?


    Maybe air freight is. Let’s find this out in the next chapter.

    Chapter 3: Airfreight from China to India

    Air freight is the fastest shipping method from China to India – takes only 5 days or less to get your goods from China to India.

    It is suitable for lighter and smaller cargo as well cargo that’s time-bound.

    Air inda Cargo.jpg

    Air India Cargo    

    Note however that although it is fast and reliable, air freight is way too costly than sea freight.

    Here are elements about air freight from China to India that you may find useful:

    3.1. Air freight Charges from China to India

    As I’ve said, air freight is generally expensive than sea freight, especially if you are shipping goods weighing over 150 Kg.

    But then, as they say, time is money and air shipping is all about the time you can save which could be worth more than the extra cost.

    That said, air freight rates calculation is done based on the chargeable weight.

    Chargeable weight is the highest weight between the cargo’s actual and dimensional weight.

    For example, if the actual weight of your cargo is 110 kg and the dimensional weight is 80 kg.

    Then charges will be based on the 110kgs.

    But if the actual weight is 80kgs and the dimensional weight is 110 kg, then charges will be based on the dimensional weight of 110kgs.

    Now note that air freight charges do not only depend on the weight of the cargo.

    The volume of goods can also be used to calculate the charges.

    This is especially if you’re shipping low-densitygoods.

    Generally,however, air freight rates from China to India vary from about USD 2.5 TO USD 3 per kg.

    The variance largely depends on the carrier, shipping distance, type of cargo, and sometimes on the value of the goods.

    3.2. Main Airports in China    

    Just as it has many seaports, China also has very any international airports.

    Airports in China.jpg    

    Airports in China    

    These include:

    1. 未标题-2.png The Beijing capital international airport in Beijing

    2. 未标题-2.png Guangzhou international airport in Guangdong, Guangzhou

    3. 未标题-2.png Chengdu shuangilu international airport in Sichuan, Chengdu

    4. 未标题-2.png Shanghai Pudong international airport located in Shanghai

    5. 未标题-2.png Shenzhen Baoan international airport in Guangdong, Shenzhen

    6. 未标题-2.png Kunming Changshui international airport in Yunnan

    7. 未标题-2.png Shanghai Hongqiao international airport in Shanghai

    8. 未标题-2.png Xi’an Xian Yang International Airport in Shaanxi, Xi’an

    9. 未标题-2.png Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport in Chongqing

    10. 未标题-2.png Hangzhou Xiao Shan International Airport in Hangzhou, Zhejiang

    11. 未标题-2.png Nanjing Lukou International Airport Jiangsu, Nanjing

    12. 未标题-2.png Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport in Fujian, Xiamen

    13. 未标题-2.png Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport Henan, Zhengzhou

    14. 未标题-2.png Changsha Huanghua International Airport in Hunan, Changsha

    15. 未标题-2.png Qingdao Liuting International Airport in Shandong, Qingdao

    3.3. Main Airports in India

    Now India is located in South Asia.

    It is the 7th largest country in the world and the 2nd most populated.

    India’s strong economy is considered one of the fastest growing.

    The country is home to diverse habitats and a key import destination for Chinese merchandise.

    Main airports in India.jpg

    Main airports in India    

    So if you’re planning to ship to India from China, you could use any of these as your destination airport:

    · Indira Gandhi International Airport    

    The Indira Gandhi international airport in Delhi is one of the largest and busiest airports of India.

    The airport is located in NCR region of west Delhi and is named after the former Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi.

    · Chennai International Airport    

    Chennai international airport is located 7 Km away from the city center.

    It is the second largest cargo hub in India and the main international hub for cargo arrivals in south India.

    The airport features an exquisite and ultra-modern design with excellent connectively to other transportation modes.

    · Mumbai International Airport    

    Also known as ChhatrapatiShivaji International Airport, this is one of the largest and most important airports in South Asia.

    The airport spreads over an area of 1,450 acres and has five operating terminals, with a dedicated air cargo complex located west of the international terminal 2.

    This airport together with the Indira Gandhi airport handle over 50% of the country’s total freight traffic.

    There are close to 20 major international airports in India. But these are the top 3 ones.

    Others include; Bangalore, Kolkata, Trivandrum, Cochin, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Pune international airports.

    3.4. Cargo Airlines from China to India

    Several international air carriers make shipping cargo from China to India safe, unmatched and straightforward.

    These companies are cost-effective and assure fast delivery of goods to various destinations in India.

    They are:

    i. Air India

    ii. Cathay Pacific

    iii. DHL aviation

    iv. Lufthansa cargo

    v. Uni-top airlines

    vi. FedEx

    vii. Etihad

    viii. China Airlines

    ix. Atlas Asia

    x. Emirates sky cargo

    xi. UPS airlines

    Having an understanding of air freight basics, lets us now find out the many shipping options available from China to India.

    Chapter 4: Options for Shipping Goods from China to India

    There are several options for shipping items from China to India.

    A suitable option for you, therefore, will depend on so many factors.

    But mostly, it will depend on the nature of the goods you are shipping.

    Here are the many options for shipping goods from China to India that you can consider:

    · LCL shipping from China to India

    LCL stands for ‘less than container load’ shipping.

    It merely refers to a partially full shipping container.

    You can book LCL shipping if your shipment is not enough to fill up a standard shipping container.

    LCL Shipping.png    

    LCL Shipping    

    Usually, in LCL shipping, you will be required to find a consolidator who will consolidate your goods with that of other shippers.

    These have to shippers shipping to the same destination as you.

    · FCL shipping from China to India

    If you’re shipping a large volume of goods that can fill up a standard shipping container, you can book FCL shipping.

    FCL is an abbreviation of ‘full container load,’ and it is used to refer to a shipping container that is full.

    FCL shipping.jpg

    FCL Shipping    

    Note however that to ship FCL, you don’t necessarily have to fill up a shipping container.

    If your pocket allows, you can book and ship FCL even if your load isn’t large enough.

    This means that you’ll have to cater for the cost of the remaining space in the container.

    In other words, you pay to get the exclusive ownership of a shipping container space for the shipping duration.

    · OOG shipping from China to India

    If you are shipping goods with abnormal shapes or that are over-sized, then you can consider the OOG shipping option.

    OOG Shipping.jpg

     OOG Shipping    

    OOG or ‘Out of gauge’ simply means that a good/cargo exceeds the standard dimensions of a normal shipping container.

    In this regard, specialized vessels and containers are used to ship the goods.

    Out of gauge goods include heavy machinery, agricultural and plant equipment, and helicopters.

    · Ro-Ro shipping from China to India

    RO-RO shipping is an option that’s available for those of you who want to ship wheeled cargo to India.

    This type of cargo includes cars, buses, and trucks and is shipped using RO-RO vessels.

    Ro Ro Shipping.jpg

    Ro Ro Shipping    

    You may wonder how this works.

    Well, the truth is that RORO vessels are designed in such a way that cargo can be wheeled in and out of it with the aid of specialized machinery.

    In this case, loaded cargo is wheeled into the vessel and fastened underdeck to avoid movement during transportation.

    · Reefer shipping from China to India

    Reefer is another name for refrigerated.

    It is used to ship perishable or rather temperature sensitive items like dairy products, fruits, and vegetable, medicines, chemicals, meats, etc.

    Reefer container for shipping.jpg

    Reefer container for shipping    

    And as you can tell from the description, these goods are shipped in a sort of refrigerated container.

    This helps to maintain the temperature and condition of the goods from the time they depart China to when they arrive in India.

    · Drop shipping from China to India

    If you own online business and don’t want to keep stock of goods, you can consider the drop shipping method.

    Here, you only have to order a product that you want from an e-commerce platform like Ali express and have the supplier ship it directly to your customer.

    Drop shipping.jpg

    Drop shipping    

    This means that at no point will you be in contact with the product.

    The advantage of drop shipping is that you don’t have to deal with dead stock and the likes.

    You only sell on order.

    · Door to door shipping from China to India

    When you are operating a busy schedule but need to ship a product/products from China to India, you can consider this option.

    Door to door shipping.jpg    

    Door to door shipping    

    The door to door shipping involves a shipping agent picking your goods from a factory/warehouse in China and delivering at your door in India.

    Your only role here is to provide the directions and specifications of how you want the goods to be shipped.

    That’s it.

    · Express shipping from China to India

    Express shipping is a type of air shipping option where your goods are delivered based on the urgency.

    For instance, if you have important documents that you need to transport from China to India or valuable jewelry that can’t go through the standard air and sea freight options.

    Express shipping.jpg    

    Express shipping    

    Note that express shipping is expensive but very fast and reliable.

    You can have your package delivered from China to India overnight or at most in 3 days depending on the urgency.

    Companies that offer this service include FedEx, DHL, EMS, and UPS.

    They handle everything from shipping to customs clearance, and they do it fast.

    The only things you’ll be doing if shipping express is to provide the package, destination details, and payment, that’s all.

    There you have it.

    These are the main shipping options from China to India.

    Remember each option is suitable for specific types of goods.

    So you cannot expect to ship perishable goods in a normal container as the goodwill go bad while still in transit.

    Similarly, you cannot ship a helicopter in a 20GP container as it obviously cannot fit in it.

    So choose your options accordingly.

    Chapter 5: Alibaba Shipping from China to India

    A mistake most beginner importers from China to India make is thinking that Alibaba is a sourcing website for goods.

    Well, sorry to disappoint you but no!

    Alibaba does not make or sell any products.

    What they do is list suppliers with information on what they do/offer.

    They are more like a search engine for suppliers in China.

    This means that on Alibaba, you can get information on suppliers for any product you want from China.



    Now, as you can already tell, an easier way of finding Chinese suppliers is through Alibaba.

    The question is how do you go about searching and actually sourcing items from Alibaba to India?

    How to Source Products from Alibaba to India

    As you’re about to find out, the process of sourcing from Alibaba to India is simple.

    The basic steps that you’ll need to take are:

    1. 未标题-2.png Open a user account with Alibaba

    2. 未标题-2.png After signing up, you proceed to search for the product that you want

    3. 未标题-2.png Alibaba will provide you with a list of suppliers offering the product you’re looking for

    4. 未标题-2.png From this list, you can select suppliers that appeal most to you

    5. 未标题-2.png You’ll then contact these suppliers to verify their credibility by asking questions about their experience, ability to handle your order, etc.

    6. 未标题-2.png You’ll then single out a supplier that meets most of your requirements

    7. 未标题-2.png After which, you’ll request for a product sample (if you have to) to help verify the quality you’ll be getting

    8. 未标题-2.png If the sample does not meet your specifications, you can request for changes

    9. 未标题-2.png The next step after that would be to negotiate the price per unit and possibly the minimum order requirement as these are usually set high

    10. 未标题-2.png Once you agree with the supplier, you can proceed to work out the fees involved from manufacturing, packaging, shipping, customs, duty, etc.

    11. 未标题-2.png Find a local China to India freight forwarder and a trustworthy customs broker that’ll handle your shipment from China to India.

    12. 未标题-2.png Instruct the freight forwarder on how you want the item delivered to India and work out the possible costs involved

    13. 未标题-2.png Finally, the products can be shipped from China to your final destination in India

    Simple, right?

    I told you that sourcing items from Alibaba to India is not difficult.

    All you need is to identify a product and be aware of the costs of shipping from Alibaba to your destination in India.

    Understand though that the cost of shipping from Alibaba largely varies depending on the volume of products you’re shipping.

    The trick, therefore, would be to avoid using intermediaries as this is where most of your money will go to.

    Avoiding intermediaries will help save you a significant amount of money.

    The only persons that you’ll be needing in your supply chain will be the supplier, freight forwarder and a customs broker (if you have to).

    Buying from Alibaba.jpg

    Buying from Alibaba    

    Also, understand that successful shipping from Alibaba to India is more of a numbers game.

    The more information and quotes you get, the better placed you are to make the right decisions.

    Another thing, never fear walking away.

    As the buyer, you hold the cards.

    No one will hold you at ransom for not agreeing with their price or sale terms.

    If something does not interest you or align with your buyer principles then simply walk away.

    Well, good luck if you opt to ship from Alibaba to India.

    Let us now tackle some of the common questions you may have about international shipping from China to India.

    Chapter 6: International Shipping from China to India FAQs

    At this point, I know that you have a lot of questions about shipping from China to India.

    Port of Mumbai.jpg

    Port of Mumbai    

    Well, allow me to answer a few of those questions in this chapter.

    1. Is there a cheap shipping option from China to India?

    Well, not precisely.

    This is because shipping costs vary depending on so many factors like shipping mode, type of goods, shipping distance, and carrier.

    A trick would be to find ways to lower your shipping costs depending on the above factors.

    2. How can I lower the cost of importing from China to India?

    For one, you can begin by choosing a shipping mode that’s best suited for the quantity and type of goods.

    For example, air freight for urgent deliveries and the sea for not so urgent and large volumes of goods.

    Also, shop around. Don’t just go with the first option you get.

    Look for the best rates possible by comparing various quotes from various shipping companies.

    Another thing, try to reduce your LCL shipments.

    It is known in international freight than the more you ship, the lower the costs and vice versa.

    Lastly, work on building long-term relations with freight forwarders, carriers, and suppliers.

    This way, it is easy for you to negotiate discounts.

    3. On freight forwarders, should I work with one based in China or an Indian based one?

    I would appreciate greatly advise that you use a China-based freight forwarder.

    He/she is best places to keep close touch with suppliers and keep you informed of everything with concerning the shipping process.

    4. How do I find the best freight forwarder?

    Just consider essential elements like experience, reliability, staff size, services offered, and associations.

    These will help you figure out if the forwarder is right for you or not.

    5. Is a bill of entry mandatory when shipping from China to India?

    Yes, a bill of entry is necessary for successful customs clearance in India.

    6. How do I file a bill of entry in India?

    There are two options for this; filing online and filing manually.

    Online filing can be done via the customs house agent CHA website or through electronic data exchange centers in your respective customs station.

    For manual filing, you will need to fill four hard copies of the bill of entry form.

    These are available at the customs stations where you will be clearing your goods.

    Copies of the forms will, however, have to be submitted to CHA for verification and approval.

    Note that you will need an IEC code to file for the bill of entry.

    So make sure you have it on time.

    7. Can I ship from China without going there myself?


    You can do this by booking door to door shipping.

    Here the freight forwarder will pick the goods from your supplier and arrange for their delivery to you in India.

    8. What are the incoterms?

    Incoterms are international logistic terms.

    They are used to define the obligations of the buyer and seller for shipment at various stages of shipping.

    9. What are the common incoterms used for importing from China to India?

    There is quite a number.

    There is EXW, FOB, CIF, DAP, CFR, DDU, and DDP.

    10. What is the best incoterm for shipping from China to India?

    FOB or CIF.

    They are less expensive, time-consuming and less strenuous.

    11. How should I make payments to customs, suppliers and even the shipping agent?

    The safest way to pay for shipping costs is via wire transfer or using a letter of credit.

    Other methods that could use are PayPal, credit card or cash.

    Although these are not entirely safe.

    12. When should I pay?

    After delivery of service or make part payments before, during and after delivery of service.

    13. When shipping from China to India, is cargo insurance necessary?

    Yes, cargo insurance is necessary particularly when shipping high-value goods.

    It’ll help assure you of compensation in case a risk occurs, i.e., when goods are lost, stolen or damaged during transit.

    14.  How long does EMS shipping take from China to India?

    It depends on the destination you are shipping and customs clearance speed.

    But usually, EMS takes about -10 days to ship from China to India.

    15. What is the best shipping line from China to India?

    The aspect of the best shipping line is relative.

    It depends on various factors like urgency, shipping mode, price, service, type of goods and destination.

    Chapter 7: LEAGUE Your Trusted Freight Forwarder from China to India

    Now, if you are looking for a reliable, affordable and fast shipping partner from China to India, you’ve got us, LEAGUE China.

    We provide affordable shipping charges with first class shipping services from China to India.

    What makes us commendable is our experience in the industry.

    12 years has been a long time to help us understand the market and the needs of our clients.

    As such, we’ve been able to tailor our services to suit the demands of our customers.

    Besides, we have very wide relations with major carriers and airlines in the industry.

    Because of this, we guarantee you enough shipping space with the best quality carriers and at competitive rates.

    The best part is that we can ship any kinds of goods from any city in China to wherever in India.

    Our freight services range from the following;

    • 未标题-2.png Sea freight

    • 未标题-2.png Air freight

    • 未标题-2.png Door-to-door

    • 未标题-2.png FCL and LCL shipping

    • 未标题-2.png Fast customs clearance

    • 未标题-2.png Warehousing and distribution– we provide free warehousing for a maximum of 30 days

    • 未标题-2.png Paperwork and documentation

    • 未标题-2.png Pickup and delivery

    • 未标题-2.png Cargo insurance and loading supervision

    Think we are your ideal freight forwarder? Then Contact us now for a free quote.


    From the information given herein, you can tell that shipping from China to India isn’t as complicated as it sounds.

    The best part is that following this guide can help you avoid any complications that may arise when shipping from China to India.

    So don’t take any of the information provided here for granted.

    Happy shipping!

    Learn More:

    • 未标题-2.png Importing from China: The Definitive Guide

    • 未标题-2.png Incoterms 201: The Definitive Guide 2018

    • 未标题-2.png Shipping Container: The Definitive Guide for Your Goods Shipping in 2018

    • 未标题-2.png Top Tips for Sour

    • 未标题-2.png cing Products at Trade Fairs in China

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