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  • Additional risks cover losses caused by external risks, which can be divided into general additional risks and special additional risks, corresponding to general external risks and special external risks respectively.

    Additional insurance can not be covered separately. One or more of them can be covered on the basis of basic insurance. After covering all risks, as all risks cover the liability of all general additional risks, we only need to choose additional insurance in special additional risks.

    General additional insurance


    1) insurance of pilferage and non delivery

    2) insurance of fresh water and rain

    4) insurance of Contamination

    5) insurance of Leakage

    6) insurance of damage by collision

    7) insurance of flavour

    8) insurance of damp and heat

    9) insurance of Hook Damage

    10) Packing damage insurance

    11)Rust damage insurance

    Special additional insurance

    Special additional insurance takes some government action risks that lead to cargo damage as the underwriting object. It is not included in the scope of all risks insurance. In order to obtain the insurance guarantee of the political risks such as government action from the insurer, no matter the insured invests in any basic insurance, it must be specially agreed with the insurer and specially agreed by the insurer. Otherwise, the insurer shall not be liable for the insurance.


    Special additional insurance:

    1) Insurance of failure to deliver risk

    2) Import tariff insurance

    3) Insurance of on deck

    4) Rejection insurance

    5) Aflatoxin insurance

    6) War and strike insurance

  • No matter F.P.A., W.P.A. or all risks insurance, the insurer shall not be liable for the following losses and expenses according to the provisions of China's marine cargo transportation insurance clauses:

    1) Loss caused by the intentional act or negligence of the insured.

    2) Loss caused by consignor.

    3)Loss caused by poor quality or short quantity of the insured goods before the commencement of insurance liability.

    4) Loss or expense caused by natural loss, essential defect, characteristics, market price drop and transportation delay of the insured goods.

    5) The scope of liability and exclusions stipulated in the war risk clause and strike risk clause of marine transportation goods.

    Because the above exclusions are based on the loss caused by the subjective fault of the insured, the potential defect of the commodity itself and the inevitable consumption during the transportation, the insurer excludes these risks from the coverage

  • Marine refrigerated cargo insurance is a kind of marine cargo insurance which is specially suitable for refrigerated cargo. The marine refrigerated cargo insurance established by various insurance companies in China is based on the marine refrigerated cargo insurance clauses revised by the people's Insurance Company of China on January 1, 1981.

    The specific contents include: the marine transportation of refrigerated goods insurance is divided into refrigerated insurance and refrigerated all risks insurance. Their insurance liabilities are water break and all risks in general cargo insurance plus corruption or loss caused by the cold storage machine stopping working for more than 24 consecutive hours.

  • The marine transportation of tung oil in bulk insurance is a kind of marine cargo transportation insurance with tung oil in bulk as the subject matter of insurance. It covers the loss of tung oil in bulk caused by natural disasters or accidents within the scope of insurance during the sea transportation.

  • Coverage of this insurance:

    To cover all losses and expenses of the above F.P.A. and W.P.A.

    Be responsible for all or part of the loss of the insured goods caused by external reasons during the transportation


  • This insurance covers:

    Cover all losses and expenses of the above FPA

    Be responsible for part of the losses of the insured goods caused by natural disasters such as severe weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquake and flood.

    W.P.A. is generally applicable to goods that are not easy to be damaged or affected by rust, such as hardware materials, old automobiles, machinery, machine tools, bulk metal raw materials, etc.

  • This insurance covers:

    The total loss or constructive total loss of the whole batch of insured goods caused by severe weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquake and flood natural sharp damage during transportation. When the insured requires to pay for the constructive total loss, the damaged goods and their rights shall be entrusted to the insurance company. If the insured goods are transported to or from the seagoing vessel by barge, the goods loaded on each barge can be regarded as a whole batch. Constructive total loss means that the actual total loss of the insured goods is unavoidable, or the cost of recovering and repairing the damaged goods and transporting the goods to the original destination exceeds the value of the goods at that destination.

    All or part of the loss of the cargo is caused by the accident of the transport vehicle suffering, hitting the reef, sinking, collision with each other, collision with drift ice or other objects, fire and explosion.


    In the case that the means of transport has been stranded, hit a reef, sunk or burnt down, some of the losses caused by natural fire disasters such as severe weather, lightning and tsunami have been suffered at sea before and after that.

    All or part of the loss caused by the landing of one or more pieces of the whole cargo at the time of loading, unloading or transshipment.

    After the shipwreck of the means of transport, the losses caused by unloading at the port of refuge and the special expenses incurred by unloading, storing and transporting the goods at the midway port and the port of refuge.

    The reasonable expenses paid by the insured for rescuing, preventing or reducing the damage to the goods that are in danger within the insured liability, but not exceeding the insured amount of the goods.

    Sacrifice, contribution and salvage expenses in general average.

    The contract of carriage has a clause "liability for collision between ships", according to which the cargo shall pay back the loss of the ship.

  • Basic marine cargo insurance is a necessary type of marine cargo insurance.

    There are two types of basic insurance: General cargo insurance and special cargo insurance. There are three types of general cargo insurance: FPA, W.P.A. and all risks.

    Special cargo insurance can be divided into two types: cargo insurance and refrigerated cargo insurance.

    In two categories and five types of insurance, the applicant must choose one of them as the basic insurance according to the characteristics of the goods and the conditions of transportation.

    On this basis, if the policyholder is willing, he can choose some additional insurance. The insurance contract without basic insurance is invalid.